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                   Donna j. Mann

Pressing on or Having a Party

by Donna Mann on 04/17/10

How often in the valleys of life, has someone told you to press on, when all you want to do is pause and have a pity party? Pressing on and enjoying that pity party are both important in their own time. Where we get into trouble, is pressing on before we're ready, or having that pity party and getting stuck there.

Comments (2)

1. Julie said on 4/20/10 - 05:10AM
How will I know when it's time to press on? It seems I've been holding this party long enough.
2. Wendy said on 4/28/10 - 11:34AM
I don't think there is a prescribed timetable. I got stuck in what I called "stage 3" (#1 being initial shock, #2 being "busy, busy, busy, if I stop and think this will kill me".) for almost a year. Barely functioning. It took my daughter's engagement to pull me out. God, something to look forward to, and....yes, Prozac. I no longer judge people who resort to temporary medication. Perhaps THAT was lesson.....

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