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                   Donna j. Mann

Grieve and Grow

by Donna Mann on 04/06/10

Welcome to Grieve and Grow. I'm glad you decided to come and visit this blog. You may be here because you are grieving the loss of a loved one, or perhaps the loss of identity or status in your life. Maybe you've mislaid your grandmother's opal ring and you have given up trying to find it. We expect grief to fill us in the predictable losses, but grief can also surface in our mind and heart from the most surprising losses, changes or disappointments in life. And we end up saying, "So, that's what this is all about."

Is Grieve and Grow a good title for my blog? Do these words even connect with each other? Is this title an oxymoron? That is, do these words contradict each other?

Questions such as the above have often initiated discussion in grief groups. Can a person grow emotionally and spiritually while they grieve? I would answer "most definitely" to that question.

Here's another thought to consider. Some of you may be familiar with Granger Westburg's book, Good Grief, and you ask, "How can grief be good?"

It can. Been there - done that. I know it works. Talk to you soon.

Donna Mann

Comments (4)

1. Grace said on 4/6/10 - 07:22AM
Grow while I'm grieving? Haven't thought about that. I'll be back.
2. Lynne said on 4/6/10 - 08:52AM
Grieve and grow - an interesting combination of words. I look forward to more.
3. Sue-ellen said on 4/6/10 - 12:23PM
Oxymoron indeed but God uses many things to get our attention. You have got mine!
4. Ruth Coghill said on 4/6/10 - 02:54PM
WOW! Grieve and Grow.Like it so much I'm going to try it!

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