Hi. I'm so glad you stopped by this web site.. Odd format? I mean with a ringed image suggesting a work book. That's it, exactly. I believe that writing, either long form or point form, helps to release those burdensome feeling of grief. So, I'm going to invite you to go to a dollar store and pick up a few books into which you will journal to convert some of those feelings of sorrow into positive ways of responding to the memory of your loved one, or that incredible disappointment in your life, or those feelings of guilt from losing Aunt Minnie's ruby ring.
Feelings of grief can tumble into your heart and soul from so many areas in your life. Sometimes, announced and for good reason - and other times, unnamed, and surprizingly, what seems to have no credibility in your life. None the less, they do appear to generate emotions, so they are worth your time to give them attention.
I don't use degrees and initials with my name as that can distant some people. But, for those of you who want to know about me, check out Profile
I welcome your emails and I will respond to them. I encourage you to read the Grief Gain exercises. As you think about the questions, you will indeed gain a deeper level of grief which will move you along in your process. The saying, "You have to go through it, to get through it, is very true." So, if you can retreat back into the arms of pain enough to release some of those feelings that hold you captive, you will soon be able to celebrate the relationship, object or subject that you are painfully grieving.
Mp3s are available for you to download. Collect them on your computer, or on your ipod to listen to any time.
Compliments of Homestead Image Library
This tree will live again, even though we know the frosty nights of the impending winter months are crowding its leaves from the branches, to mulch with the soil that feeds the very soil from which the tree grows. This is a normal process. It is a season.In the spring, after the tree has rested though a certain period of time, it will burst forth in its greenery and dance with the wind.
Donna j. Mann
(Seasons of Grief- 2008)